Online Dating-The Truth About Seducing Her Online

Written by Davinder Bisht on 6:13 AM

Being seductive can either work or blowup in your face. Online may be a little easier.

The truth about seducing her online is that you must take your time and subtly get into her head where seduction actually begins. Contrary to what a lot of people believe, seduction does not begin below the waist! The sooner we realize this the better off we will all be!

The truth about seducing her online is that there must be a balance of romance and physical attraction. If one of these parts is missing, you will not be able to successfully seduce her online.

You want to take your time and get to know her well before trying to seduce her. Please do not attempt to seduce someone you really have no romantic interest in. That would really be wrong and unfair!

To seduce her online, make sure she is interested in you. Even a little bit will help. But if there is no interest there at all, it will blow up in your face.

The truth about seducing her online means you have to “plant a seed”. Then let it sit there for a while, before taking the seduction to the next level. Usually the “seed” is a preplanned “dream”, “thought” or “idea”.

After planting the seed and letting it set for a while...eventually you will want to very gently water that seed. You can do this by telling her the preplanned “dream”, “thought”, or “idea” in small increments. Pausing along the way to gauge her reaction. If you get to the point where she seems to shut down and block you out, it is time to stop.

The truth about seducing her starts with “planting a seed”. Then you want to “water the seed” and finally, watch her reaction.

With practice you will be able to take online seduction to an all new level!

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