8 Dating Rules For Single Dads

Written by Davinder Bisht on 6:24 AM

The problem with recently divorced single parents is that are waiting too long to start dating again, complaining they are oh, so busy. The real reason is their fears, because their previous situation was usually so ugly, they don't have a strong enough ego to let rejections roll off their back.

Even if they are starting to date, in most cases are doing this for the wrong reasons. Some single parents think they are in competition with their ex, particularly if they were left for a younger partner.

They also might be playing a game to prove to the ex that they are desirable by dating as many people as possible. In a nutshell, don't date for emotional revenge, to allay feelings of loneliness or to prove your desirability to others.

After a divorce, both parties are tented to change partners almost every week or month and are not in the mood to compromise with somebody.

But after a while especially single fathers are feeling the need to have a life partner and a mother for their children.

If you are a single father and you are determined to find someone for a long time relationship you have to be sure that you are making the best choice because now you are not alone, you are making the choice not only for you but for your children too.

There are some gold rules to consider that can help you to find the best mom for your children and the best lover for you:

1. As there is no surer turn-off for a potential lover than a person who insists on living in the past, make a rule for yourself that you are going to do your absolute best not to drag the past into new relationships.

2. Your kids are the priority of your life; keep them there no matter what!

3. You have been careful to prepare your kids for the fact that you will have a life other than the one with them. But don't forget to make them understand that they will not lose your love, just some of your time together.

4. Chose to date only women that have at least one kid already. A woman without children will not understand you and your children needs and will not have too much patience.Don't forget that children are the best when it is about to exasperate somebody, and in the first stage your new date will be like a target for your kids jest.

5. Don't leave your partner to baby-sit. In order to keep children safe, it is necessary to be able to discipline them. It is too soon for your partner to discipline your children.

6. In conflict situation try to put yourself in your partner place, be diplomatic with your child and try to be impartial. Find the golden mean to resolve the problems between them.

7. Never chose your mate only because she is getting on well with your child. You have to find someone FOR YOU and YOUR CHILD. Remember that the best for your children is and will ever be their natural mum, the women you just have divorced (for some good reasons I believe). So find a woman that you are attracted to, a woman you find interesting AND that is willing to accept your children too.

8. Pay attention to her children too, and never forget that they are the priority of her life.To find friendship, understanding, love, and romance meet a , that knows how tough single parenting can be, at

5 Simple Romantic Date Ideas

Written by Davinder Bisht on 6:19 AM

1) A picnic in the middle of your living room, with a nice bottle of wine, candles and the music of your choice.
2) A candle lit dinner in your own backyard, patio or terrace. Use the stars as your backdrop and the candles to create intimacy.
3) If there is a river or lake nearby see if there is a company that does champagne river or boat tours. As your guide relates the local habitat, you and your honey can snuggle under a blanket and share a toast to your relationship.
4) Picnic in your local park or at your local beach. Enjoy feeding each other finger foods and fresh berries.
5) Call your local culinary school and see if you can hire one of the chefs in training to cook for the two of you. There prices may be more reasonable than a dinner out, plus
1)you donĂ¢€™t have to worry about how much you drink
2) the mess is cleaned up for you
3) you can slip into the bedroom and into your lingerie, while he tips your chef and sends him or her on her way
These are just a few simple date ideas, that you can try with your sweetie without breaking the bank.

About The Author:

Caterina Christakos is the author of the Seduction Game for Women. To learn even more ways of adding spice to your relationship go to:

3 Tricks When Talking on the Phone with a Woman You Have Met Online

Written by Davinder Bisht on 6:13 AM

You have met an interesting woman online. You two had a great time chatting online and she decided to give you her phone number. Now you have to make her want to see you face to face, and the phone is your only tool.

The first telephone call is the most important one. Sure you have her number, but nothing has been won yet.

1. Before you call you should have prepared a list of several topics to talk about. Hopefully your email exchange has provided you with some information to follow up on. Study her profile to think of other topics to talk about. Prepare open ended questions. Start talking about a subject, and give her a chance to speak as well.

2. DON'T: ask her questions about other guys she's seeing, suspiciously interrogate her about how she spends her time, and angrily reprimand her for flaking on you. How she spends her time is her business.

A lot of men sabotage their chances with a woman by don't giving her enough credit and respect.

You know there's trouble if you're doing all the talking and her replies are short or non-existent. If so it either means you haven't hit on the right topic to talk about, or, more likely, she simply isn't interested. Also, if she ends the conversation early or "has to go", leave it up to her to call you again, if she wants to. Usually, she won't.

So, when talking to a woman on the phone DON'T worry about impressing her. Have fun. Enjoy the conversation. Amuse yourself.

3. At first phone conversation is better to stay away of complimenting her. I think giving women compliments can be very powerful. But when you give a woman compliments within the context of trying to win her over, you become a wuss.

Usually women are curious why the men they are talking to online decided to pick them instead of other thousandths of profiles. Most of them will ask you about these "reasons" and by doing this are giving you the opportunity to make her compliments. So, wait the moment. :)

If the conversation flow easily, effortlessly, if you find her fairly responsive and you can keep up the conversation for at least a half hour you can ask her out. Her answer seam to be: "YES".

By the way, you can find the phone number of many great Romanian Women at eB om

Online Dating-The Truth About Seducing Her Online

Written by Davinder Bisht on 6:13 AM

Being seductive can either work or blowup in your face. Online may be a little easier.

The truth about seducing her online is that you must take your time and subtly get into her head where seduction actually begins. Contrary to what a lot of people believe, seduction does not begin below the waist! The sooner we realize this the better off we will all be!

The truth about seducing her online is that there must be a balance of romance and physical attraction. If one of these parts is missing, you will not be able to successfully seduce her online.

You want to take your time and get to know her well before trying to seduce her. Please do not attempt to seduce someone you really have no romantic interest in. That would really be wrong and unfair!

To seduce her online, make sure she is interested in you. Even a little bit will help. But if there is no interest there at all, it will blow up in your face.

The truth about seducing her online means you have to “plant a seed”. Then let it sit there for a while, before taking the seduction to the next level. Usually the “seed” is a preplanned “dream”, “thought” or “idea”.

After planting the seed and letting it set for a while...eventually you will want to very gently water that seed. You can do this by telling her the preplanned “dream”, “thought”, or “idea” in small increments. Pausing along the way to gauge her reaction. If you get to the point where she seems to shut down and block you out, it is time to stop.

The truth about seducing her starts with “planting a seed”. Then you want to “water the seed” and finally, watch her reaction.

With practice you will be able to take online seduction to an all new level!

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Online Pick Up Secrets That Get Hordes of Hot Women Viewing Your Profile!

Written by Davinder Bisht on 11:33 AM

Online dating has come a long way in the past 10 years. There are quite literally hundreds of dating sites that cater to all ethnic and religious back grounds. However they all share one common factor: Selling yourself to the opposite sex. The first online pick up secret is to adopt the mentality that you are selling yourself. Here is how to exponentially increase your numbers and get more dates with any online dating site.

1) Online Dating Profile:

Your online dating profile is probably the most important aspect of online dating it must convey your positive traits. Think of it as a company website or marketing brochure, your online profile is meant to sell you to her. The trick is not to be arrogant be honest and inject a little humor in your profile. Remember one important fact, women love men that are fun and humorous.

2) Photo:

The next step is to upload a photo no matter what. It doesn't matter if you don't look like Brad Pitt, you must upload a photo. The biggest mistake I see are profiles that lack even one photo for her to see. Without a photo you are guaranteeing that no one will click on to your profile.

Make sure you are conscience about your body language in the photo you wish to upload. Sit or stand up straight and look relaxed and natural with a smile. Don't forget to smile.

The best photos are those that have you in social situations with other beautiful women. Women in particular, are more inclined to look at a man in a more sexual manner if he's surrounded by beautiful, attractive men and women. It displays you are sociable and confident around other people. The most important online pick up secret is to upload a photo that can convey all the above mentioned elements.

3) User Name:

Although your user name is not that important it must be positive and convey high social value. "Desperate4Love" is a horrible username and it stinks of neediness. Take the time and inject a little bit if your personality into the username.

4) Have Fun:

The very last step in creating an attractive dating profile is to have fun and don't worry if you don't receive a response from someone you contacted. Beautiful women are bound to receive hundreds of emails and winks they simply don't have the time to go through all of them.

Just as it is in a bar, club or party online dating is a numbers game. Don't expect thousands of hot horny women to email tomorrow asking for a date you must also make the effort.

The tips above are meant to increase your chances far above what the average Joe is doing online. You can easily view some awful profiles that lack any humor, originality or even a photo that scream "don't click here".

Well there you have it, use these tips and you'll see more success with women using the internet that you thought possible. Good Luck!

5 Ways To Suspect Your Friend Is Interested In Your Man

Written by Davinder Bisht on 11:25 PM

I know everyone has had those friends since elementary through high school, that their family knows yours and etc. Well, to be honest the closest friends are always the ones trying to push you to the limit. What I mean by that is, once you've told them you're in love and you've found someone that loves you back with your flaws, then either the hunt or investigation is on! They're either going to try and push up on your man or try to investigate some false dirt to make you want to leave your man. Ladies take this advice from me when I say, " If you can't prove it or didn't see it, he's innocent until proven guilty". What us women need to realize is that there's HATERS, in every form and fashion. So with that in my mind, your home-girls that don't have a man and can't keep one, watch them very closely. I'm going to go ahead and give you a heads up with at least 5 things to look for if you suspect your friend wanting your man:

1. If every-time you speak with your friend she's inquiring about where your man is and what he's doing, then you need to be on alert.

2. When at the same location as your man she always has extra conversation for him, especially when no-ones discussing that specific subject, she just can't seem to stop talking to your man.

3. If whenever you and your man decide to go out on a date, she has some sort of objection to why you shouldn't go, watch out she's hating on you girl.

4. If she has something to say about how much income he's bringing in, or how many kids he has, then she's just looking for something to bring to your attention hoping you would change your mind.

5. Lastly, if she comes around you and your man in some skimpy outfit with cleavage showing and her butt all out, and it's wintertime, she most definitely wants your man!

Find out if your relationship is worth fighting for. For more love advice and real life situations visit http://kissingtips.googlepages.com http://hubpages.com/hub/Love-Advice-1-on-1